Kelly Rowland's post-pregnancy book 'Whoa Baby!' Released.

Whoa Baby by Kelly Rowland
Whoa Baby by Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland's post-pregnancy book 'Whoa Baby!' Released. 

Look who has become an author! The pop star Kelly Rowland has released her first book which about her days during and after pregnancy. Recently, Kelly gave birth to a baby boy whom she named Titan.

'Whoa Baby by Kelly Rowland' is the new book that I am talking about. Kelly Rowland refers this as A Guide for New Moms Who Feel Overwhelmed and Freaked Out (and Wonder What the #*$& Just Happened). 

While Kelly Rowland was going through all the things during and after pregnancy, Dr. Tristan Bickman helped her to do things the right way and also alerted her about the challenges to come after birth. The book, Whoa Baby by Kelly Rowland, is an essential guide for all the new moms or the ladies who are expecting a baby. The book answers all the queries of new moms like Will I Ever Walk Again? Will I Ever Sleep Again? Are My Boobs Always Going to Be Like This? and much more in a hilarious and very informational manner.

The book will surely gonna help you face the surprising challenges that come during and after the birth of the baby.
